Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The State of Smut for Smart People

What kind of erotica is selling these days? A year or two ago it seemed that self-publishing was really the way to go. The free days helped you boost your book and turn that buzz into real sales. Those days are gone. Now it is more work to get ahead in this industry. Erotica has been totally immersed with crappy writers just trying to make a cheap buck with some real trash. The true erotica artist (yes I think there is such a thing) really has
Chase is one of the characters of the
Chronicles of a Humiliation Backfired Series.
He first shows up in Episode #1
his dirty work cut out for him. These days there is so much pure smut on amazon and there is so much billionaire porn. When did that happen? It's hard to find good free literary porn like the brand penned by Emme Hor and Moctezuma Johnson. What happened to inspirations like Henry Miller and Anais Nin? Have they rolled up and died? No way! Some of us are still here and still alive and kicking. If that's the kind of porn you want. Join our mailing list and be part of the smart smut literary porn revolution. There are a few really good writers out there but with over 150,000 self-published erotica books put out last year it is getting harder and harder to find who is who. Good luck finding the right ones. 

Feel free to comment and leave the names of your favorite writers and books. 

Feel free to use the erotica rating system I like to use: 
Two dicks up = really special and truly erotic (equivalent to a 5-star rating)
One dick up = pretty great read (a 4-star rating
No dicks up or down = not bad. A solid read (3-stars)
One dick down (or flaccid cock, or limp dick) = a 2-star rating
Two dicks down (or impotent) = not worth your time (1 lousy star, if that)

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